A Heartfelt Goodbye to a True Friend

Jul 23, 2024
4 People Read

Bereaving a cherished pet may be incredibly challenging and emotionally draining.

Memories and emotions abound when I reflect on my loyal friend Max, who stood by my side for thirteen (13) incredible years. Of course, I miss Max for what he uniquely was — a beloved dog, a member of my household.

It’s not just that Max, a lovable dog, was a kind and generous creature who shared a space in my heart. It’s that we lived life together in a way only close companions can; he was with me through thick and thin, bringing joy and comfort to the ordinary spaces of my days.

The day we brought Max home is etched in my memory as if it just happened. He was small and still a little awkward, his legs so short that his belly nearly dragged on the floor, and looking at those small, vulnerable limbs, I felt a little breathless.

From that moment on, we were never the same. Max, we soon found out, was no ordinary dog. Unlike most pets, who are a bit standoffish and tend to do their own thing, Max was a social and affectionate dog. He celebrated our comings and goings with great enthusiasm and was seemingly capable of loving us without reservation.

Ordinary days weren’t an option with Max around. He had an uncanny ability to infuse the most humdrum occasions with magic. Even a mere walk in the park had a way of becoming an adventure. At home, we didn’t need anything but him to make time spent together feel fulfilling. This was an “effect” that took the place of purposeful human conversation or group activity planning. We did those things, too, of course, but with Max, even the simplest of moments had a way of feeling special.

When Max died, they said I was holding him too close. And I was. But I had to be. And at that moment, all the life that he was, all the memories that my family and I had made with him, all the days I had gone to work and missed him and hadn’t waited to come home and pet him, play with him, or just lie next to him—those were the moments I was remembering.

Max’s fighting spirit was one of the most motivating aspects of his character. Even when he was breathing his last breaths, he manifested the greatest act of defiance. He was an embodiment of pushback against anything that attempts to make us give in. The strength within him was profound.

In the moments when I struggle to find the same, I often find myself thinking of Max. He fought the disease in his body, and he fought it tenaciously. Even in moments of profound distress and fatigued weakness, Max held onto something. He never quit. He never gave in, despite innumerable reasons to do so.

Max is not with us anymore, but he lives in our memories. We will always remember the kind of love he brought and the happiness he brought with him. It’s just something you always remember. We will always be reminded of all the amazing things he used to do, even if he is no longer with us.

He was an extraordinarily kind and devoted companion. Whether it was his acts that made us smile or his unusual way of looking at things, we will never forget those memories and wish to hold on to those precious times anytime we need a good laugh. Max, you were more than simply our family’s pet; you were also a valued companion. No one could have matched your love and loyalty—so lastingly imprinted in our memory and our lives.

Continued peace for you, friend, amid whatever celestial pastures you now inhabit. And we carry on, now deeply touched by our love for you and for what you stood for—counting you as a family member, a true friend, in our homes, and in our hearts, no matter what.