4 Ways ChatGPT Empowers Entrepreneurship

Aug 16, 2023
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A tool called artificial intelligence. The tool is ChatGPT. Like other tools, they are largely useless if you don’t know how to utilize them.

A complex kitchen gadget wouldn’t be picked up and expected to work like magic without first reading the handbook and knowing how to operate it. It’s the same with this.

Learning how to prompt ChatGPT efficiently can produce considerably better outcomes for you and your company than manually punching in keys.

Lasse Linnes, the creator of Insidr.ai, a website and tool database that identifies the best AI solutions to boost your business, is on a mission to share helpful information about artificial intelligence, including how to utilize AI most effectively.

Over 250 of the greatest AI tools (those that are most helpful, not those you absolutely need) are presently listed in the directory, which is divided into sections for customer care, copywriting, and e-commerce.

In just three months, Linnes has accumulated 35,000 community subscribers and more than 60,000 social media fans. Over 200,000 people visit the website each month, and “this is just the beginning,” he claimed.

Linnes explains everything because he is fascinated by effective prodding, which works in our favor.

Here are Linnes’ four different sorts of prompts, with instructions on how to utilize each one and examples of the results that can be obtained.

1. Information prompts

You are requesting information in a certain format from ChatGPT or your big language model of choice when you prompt it with an instructive prompt. When you want to learn more about a certain subject, use an information prompt, advised Linnes.

Information prompts entered into ChatGPT can help you learn something more quickly, get a summary, or understand something in greater depth.

For instance, Linnes suggests using the phrase “I want to learn about [insert topic]” to help you learn something more quickly. Find and explain the 20% of lessons learned that matter most and will help me understand the other 80% of the subject.

The information that follows will be a high-level summary of the subject, organized in a way that is understandable and memorable. 

Similar instructions include “Explain [something about] [topic] in [format],” for instance, “Explain the advantages of using solar energy in 100 words.”

When requesting information that you have already supplied in a different format, you should also utilize an information prompt.

Linnes uses summarizing a book as an example, but similar techniques may be used with transcripts, conference notes, articles, or other complicated documents.

You may input the text and request a summary, or you can just identify the text and author, and the internet-powered version of ChatGPT will find it for you, depending on the version of ChatGPT you use. Here is Linnes’ recommended prompt: Give me a summary of the book [book name] by [author name] and a list of the key lessons and insights. Consider your objectives for each information request, and then be sure the questions you’re asking will help you get there.

Make it clear if the goal is to teach someone else. Say as much if you want the result to be remembered. Understand why you produce what you do.

2. Creative prompts

These prompts stimulate the AI to produce creative, captivating material, like tales, poetry, or screenplays. Utilizing these questions may be enjoyable. Consider information prompts as your researcher or study assistant, and creative prompts as your copilot for inspiration. Linnes provided three key creative prompts for you to use in your blog, script, and message.

When utilized properly, creative prompts may result in screenplays for YouTube videos, keynote speeches, or simply suggestions of what to say in your upcoming team meeting.

Setting an environment and explaining your goals clearly are crucial. You can modify Linnes’ provided YouTube script sample as you see appropriate. “Write a script for a YouTube video. The video is a how-to guide for creating your first Facebook ad as a beginner. The video should be no longer than 5 minutes and be so simple that a 10-year-old would understand it.”

Here is Linnes’ sample prompt for creating a blog post. “Write a blog entry about [subject in depth] that is [length in words]. When speaking to [your target audience], use [describe the sort of] tone. Include the following parts, targeting the main keyword [main keyword] [number] of times and containing secondary keywords [secondary keywords], to be used [number] times [BC1] each.”

Try out the above examples to see what happens. If in doubt, provide further details.

More information and direction Consider ChatGPT as a motivated intern who learns quickly and is eager to absorb a lot of knowledge to apply to their job.

3. Instructional prompts

When you’re looking to learn how to accomplish anything, use instruction prompts. These questions ask for tutorials or step-by-step instructions on a certain topic, according to Linnes.

LLMs (a type of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that uses deep learning techniques and massively large data sets) are able to format text in this manner by scraping the whole web. They are able to sort through masses of data and provide you with manageable instructions that lead you through the steps to take.

You may make a self-following manual using instruction prompts. A team member or a freelancer may receive instructions on how to follow a process for a certain result.

The following is an example prompt for how-to articles, advertisements, and social media campaigns: “Explain in a step-by-step guide how to set up a Facebook ad campaign for a company.” Change the Facebook advertising campaigns to Google, Twitter, or LinkedIn advertising. Change the company to a brand, influencer, or nearby firm.

Similar to this, Linnes provided the following instruction for a social media campaign: “Provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a social media campaign for a [type of] business selling [type of products] to [target audience].”

Use a creative prompt if you want a whole script to be written. Use ChatGPT to acquire the instructions if you need someone to write the script based on a set of instructions.

As an illustration, “Provide a guide on how to write a short ad script for promoting [type of company].” The ad scripts you choose to create can then be based on this manual.

Keep in mind that ChatGPT is a language model and not a sophisticated thought machine. When in doubt, it has been known to invent solutions, so make sure your information is accurate and be on alert for mistakes.

4. Problem-solving prompts

Similar to creative prompts, problem-solving prompts have a more focused goal: to solve an issue.

These questions “seek answers to particular issues or challenges,” according to Linnes. Consider ChatGPT as your helpful business mentor while employing problem-solving suggestions.

As an expert in advertising and financial advisory, you will need to think about, test, and confirm every proposal they provide, but even so, the ideas they offer can help you come up with fresh concepts and learn about potential solutions.

When you’re stuck, use a problem-solving prompt. when you want to change and grow but are unsure of where to start. “Suggest ways to increase organic traffic to my website,” said Linnes, and include information about the size and purpose of your site when website traffic is stagnant. To make the recommendations more applicable, be precise.

Linnes provides the following as an illustration of a marketing strategy: “My online beauty retailer has $5,000 to spend on marketing initiatives over the next three months. Provide three ideas for marketing campaigns that we might implement with the available funds.

Similar to this, use ChatGPT’s online interface to get the most recent possibilities for things like funding.

Linnes recommended creating a comprehensive guide to small company funding choices, including loans, grants, and equity financing, as a possible remedy to this challenge.

Although you do not need to follow the model’s recommendations exactly, they may be useful in pointing you down the correct path.


When appropriately prompted. ChatGPT can break down complicated issues into their component parts and use its collective internet knowledge to generate solutions. You can keep continuing until you have a strategy you like by adding more prompts to inform it of the possibilities you like.

Prompts for gathering information, being creative, learning, and solving problems. What kind do you use, and why? To choose the best kind for your problem, be aware of the four categories.

You will get greater outcomes in both business and LLMs if you ask for what you want more effectively.